Other Users
Networking with other centers in Switzerland, such as EPFL, Universities, CSEM, PSI, and EMPA, is crucial in terms of expertise and transfer of know-how. External partners can have their own personnel working in the FIRST-Lab if the personnel have the necessary training and qualifications for both equipment and cleanroom usage.
he integration and coordination of external users is managed by the . Because the admission of external user to the premises of FIRST-Lab represents a major commitment and impacts the operation of FIRST-Lab on a larger scale, this admission has to be approved technically by the FIRST Operation Team (FOT) and formally by the FIRST Management Team (FMT).
The collaboration with external users shall not interfere with the normal operation of FIRST-Lab. All commitments of FIRST-Lab for services are on a "best-effort"-basis. We do not guarantee permanent process parameters or accessibility to our equipment. FIRST-Lab cannot guarantee confidentiality because we provide access to hundreds of students and researchers.