Photoluminescence Mapping (PLM)

Accent RPM2000 Photoluminescence Mapper
- 2" and 3" wafer chucks
- 785 nm diode laser, 532 nm YAG, white light source
- PL and reflectivity measurements
- Detectors: Si CCD array and InGaAs array
- Gratings 150 g/mm, 300 g/mm 600 g/mm and 1200 g/mm
- External source fiber input
- External signal fiber input
Bruker V80 FT-IR-Photoluminescence Mapper
- Option PL100/PL2
- Transmission and reflection measurements in spectrometer mode
- IR- Photoluminescence measurements
- Measure one spot or map sample on X-Y stage
- 1064 nm excitation laser for photoluminescence
- LN2-cooled InSb detector for spectral range 10000-1850 cm-1
- Chopper wheel for lock-in detection