Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)

MBE is a a thin film crystal growth technique.

- Standard III-V epitaxial growth of binary and ternary semiconductor materials containing Ga, Al, In, As, Sb.
- Only GaAs and GaAs substrates are allowed in the growth chamber.
- Doping sources: Si, CBr4
- Growth of thick structures is possible, e.g. DBRs and VECSEL devices.
- Process control with RHEED, BandiT and RGA.

- Exploratory system for a variety of binary to quinary III-V compound semiconductors
- No silicon or sapphire subtrates are allowed
- Sources: As, P, Sb, Ga, In, Al
- Doping source: Si
- Growth of thick structures is limited to the use of P-, Sb- or As-containing materials only
- Process control with RHEED, BandiT, optical pyrometer and RGA