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Special ETH Communication

Crystal lattice at a distance

It’s the second round of “Cook the Science”

Cleanroom Facilities

Working in a cleanroom

FIRST-Lab provides with its cleanroom about 400 square meters of processing environment with controlled parameters for micro- and nanoscience experiments. Young scientists have the opportunity to work in the field of photo- and nanolithography, to carry out thin film deposition processes, to analyze and characterize their processed samples and to learn about epitaxy of semiconductors.

Access to FIRST

FIRST-Lab is open to all institutes at ETH and to external research laboratories, which require a cleanroom environment for their research work. We are an user lab focusing on the education and training of PhD students and Post Docs.

In order to work within FIRST, a project must be proposed to and approved by the FOT. Larger projects require approval by the FMT.

Frequently asked questions